This is how I take insane wrist shots. To take wrist shots you have to be on a skating rink, it can be inside or outside. You can take wrist shots by yourself, you don’t need anyone with you. To take a wrist shot you need a stick, puck, and a pear of skates. The skates go on your feet, the stick goes in your hand and the puck slides on the ice. The first step is having the puck on the blade of your stick and pulling back. Then I look at my target and I slide my blade forewords. Once I slide the blade to my front foot I start lifting up the stick and point it at my target. After you get all the steps down do it really fast over and over. Over time you will get better. That is how I shoot a hockey puck with a wrist shot.
My Pet
My pet, Tucker, is quite the character. Tucker is an 11 year old dog. He is a Great Pyrenees. Tucker is an outside dog. He is supposed to be a guard dog but he is the laziest dog on the planet. Lots of my cats try to hang out with him but he only like a few of the toms. As you can see Tucker is the best dog on the planet.
Haunted House
I had traumatizing haunted house experience on October 16, 2020. I had the worst experience of my life. My friends and I went to a haunted house. As soon as we entered, we regretted it. There were cobwebs, shattered glass, blood and fog everywhere. As we were walking through the house we heard a very loud scream. After we heard the scream, we started running. As we ran, we heard foot coming close to us. We ran even faster to the closet window. As soon as we got to it we started kicking it until it shattered. We all crawled through it. When we got out we all to my house because it was only a few blocks away. As you can see, my haunted house experience was very scary
How to Make a Automatic Closing Door
How to make an automatic closing door. What your going to need is string, hooks, and a plastic water bottle. First your going to want to tie the string to the top of the water bottle. Then you’re gonna put the string over the door and tie it to the door handle. After that the bottle should be on the out side of the door. After that is done your going to want to put a hook on the out side of the door and make sure it is at least a foot from the top of the door. After that put the string in the hook and now your done
Best Sport
Hockey Is the Best Sport.
On my first day, I knew that I would be happy in my new school. Coming back to school was good because I can can see my friends again. I wanted to know who my new teacher was? I knew we had a really fun inter murals coming up. New play ground equipment was being ordered and it was in the mail. The weather is really nice so recess is fun for playing football. As you can see im very excited to go back to school
My favorite television movie makes me dream about new experiences which life can offer me. Nobody is my all time favorite movie. It is made from the same producers as John Wick. Nobodies main character is Hutch Mansell, his name in real-life Bob Odenkirk. It is an action movie and is funny. Nobody two is not out yet but might be in 2023 or 2024. As you see Nobody is my favorite movie
My favorite activity is hockey which allows me to have fun while I learn new skills. Hockey is a very fun and hard sport. You go to all sorts of towns and cities, and meet lots of new people. Hockey can be dangerous and rough at times. Hockey is Canadas most popular sport. Hockey is a very active sport and gets you in shape. As you see hockey is my all time favorite activity.
Travel broadens a persons mind by presenting new experiences and new ways to think about the world. It was a fun time going to Asia with my family. I love going on trips but some times you have to learn a new language. When I go to hockey in certain towns I take a picture with a landmark if they have one. The food is different in some places but is really good most of the time. We always go to a store if we are some where new and buy a souvenir. Traveling is a fun way to do new things and think about the world in a new way!
My good friend Jordan Knox
Jordan possesses all the qualities of a good friend. Jordan and I have a lot in common. He is very funny. He makes me laugh with all of his jokes. Jordan always helps me if I need assistance in anything I do. He is very kind. He lets me borrow all of his items. He always invites me over, and we play all sorts of games. As you can tell Jordan and I are alike and possess all the qualities of a good friend.